Once you have enrolled as an Distributor, you must become active and remain active in order to be eligible to earn any bonuses and commissions. This is done by generating at least 100 Personal Volume (PV) every 4 weeks. All bonuses and commissions are calculated using either the Sponsorship Tree or the Binary Tree. The Sponsorship Tree is built genealogically, and has as many legs as new Distributors whom you enroll. The Binary Tree is built chronologically, and allows for only two legs—a left leg and a right leg—for each Distributor. This means that those in your downline tree may have been placed there by someone above you. Your Group Volume (GV) is the sum of the PV of all Distributors in your downline tree. With these two organizational trees in mind, let’s take a look at each of the below 3 ways that you can earn income
Enrollment bonus 15%~40%
Wen you enroll a new distributor, the enrollment Bonus is earned upon the purchase of product by a new Distributor at the time period of their enrollment order and is based on any enrollment purchase (only first enrollment order and second upgrade order) up to 500 PV. The sponsor will receive the one-time bonus equal to 15% (Bronze Level) / 30% (Silver Level) / 40% (Gold Level) of all commissionable volume (CV) distributed with the enrollment order. If the sponsoring Distributor must qualify to keep active in the commission week to get the commission.
Gold Distributor A qualify to keep active in the commission week and sponsor Distributor B with 500PV enrollment order. Then A will get enrollment bonus 525PVx45%=$210.
binary team bonus 10%~20%
Team Bonus are the foundation of the LUDIA Compensation Plan. Team Bonus are paid weekly by calculating 10% (Bronze Level) / 15% (Silver Level) / 20% (Gold Level) of the Group Volume (GV) in your lesser Binary Tree leg, and paying that amount in USD.
For example, if Gold Distributor A had 5,000 Group Volume (GV) on lesser-volume leg and 7,000 GV on greater-volume leg, A would receive a Team Bonus of US$ 1,000 (20% of the 5,000 GV from your lesser-volume leg). Then, the amount of GV converted into commissions will be subtracted from both legs. The remaining difference, known as Carryover, will roll into the next Commission Period as long as you remain active with at least 100 PV.
A few things to remember regarding Team Bonus:
You must have at least 2 active personally sponsored Distributors on any of your binary legs to qualify for Team Bonus.
If you do not remain active during a Qualification Period with at least 100 PV, your volume will flush, leaving 0 PV on both your left and right
There must be a minimum of 200 GV on each leg for only First Team Bonus payout to
There must be a minimum of 500 GV on each leg for Team Bonus payout to
When you sponsor 1 new distributor with 1st Enrollment order, LUDIA will place this distributor under the bottom of your less-GV leg and calculate this order 100% PV to roll up. The new distributor can place 2nd Enrollment order to upgrade the Join Level within 60 days. Then LUDIA will calculate this 2nd Enrollment order only 50% PV to roll up.
Different week commission rank determines how much Team Bonus Cap and Carryover PV
New Advance Rank Bonus 50~50,000 USD
Wen you achieve the new highest paid as rank with 2 rolling weeks within Qualified Period or fewer calendar days from the date of your own sign-up distributorship, and you can receive a one-time bonus amount as below for New Advance Rank.
Distributors are required to remain active in order to be eligible to earn commissions. In order to become and remain active, each Distributor must generate at least 100 Personal Volume (PV) each 4 weeks with no more than four Commission Periods between orders.
Binary Tree
One of LUDIA’s two organizations used to calculate commissions. The Binary Tree is built chronologically and allows for only two legs—a left leg and a right leg—for each Distributor. This means that those in your downline may have been placed by another Distributor; this is called spillover. Your Group Volume (GV) is the sum total of the Personal Volume (PV) of all of the Distributors below you in the Binary Tree.
Binary Qualified
A term commonly used interchangeably with Team Bonus Qualified. To be qualified to earn Team Bonus, you must be active and have at least 2 active, personally sponsored Distributor on both your left or your right legs.
Carryover Volume
Volume that is not converted into commissions in any Commission Period that rolls into the next Commission Period.
Commissionable Volume (CV)
The amount of Qualifying Volume (QV) eligible to be converted into commissions. Volume is the unit by which products sold are measured for commissions, and Commissionable Volume is one way we distinguish how the Volume is used.
Commission Period
The period in which volume is calculated from product sales to produce commissions and bonuses. The weekly Commission period runs from Friday at 24:00:00 New York Time to Next Friday at 23:59:59 New York Time(Saturday at 05:00:00 London Time to Next Saturday at 04:59:59 London Time , Saturday at 14:00:00 Seoul Time to Next Saturday at 13:59:59 Seoul Time , Saturday at 13:00:00 Beijing Time to Next Saturday at 12:59:59 Beijing Time , Saturday at 13:00:00 Singapore Time to Next Saturday at 12:59:59 Singapore Time).
A commonly used term for those placed below you in the Binary Tree.
Enrollment Order
The order placed at the time of enrollment. Although not required, an Enrollment Order is the only order that triggers the Enrollment Bonus 15%~40%.
Group Volume (GV)
The sum total of the Personal Volume (PV) of all of the Distributors below you in the Binary Tree. Volume is the unit by which products sold are measured for commissions, and Group Volume is one way we distinguish who generated the volume.
A branch of a Distributor’s Binary Tree (with a maximum of two legs) or Sponsorship Tree (with as many legs as there are personally sponsored Distributors).
Lesser-volume Leg
The leg in the Binary Tree—either your right leg or your left leg—with less Group Volume (GV).
Advanced Rank
The highest rank achieved with 2 rolling weeks during the lifetime of an Distributor account, typically used for recognition purposes and 1-time Advanced Rank Bonus.
Paid-As Rank
The rank achieved in any Commission Period, typically used to determine commissions and keep carryover.
Personal Volume (PV)
Volume generated on your own account, either from your own purchases or from the purchases of any Retail Customers whom you have sponsored. Volume is the unit by which products sold are measured for commissions, and Personal Volume is one way we distinguish who generated the volume.
Personal Group Volume (PGV)
The sum total of the Personal Volume (PV) of all of the downline Distributors.
Qualifying Volume (QV)
The total volume that counts towards personal requirements, such as becoming active or achieving a certain rank. Volume is the unit by which products sold are measured for commissions, and Qualifying Volume is one way we distinguish how the volume is used.
Retail Customer
A customer account that is not designed for redistribution or resale but rather personal consumption. A Retail Customer differs from a Preferred Customer because it does not have an active profile. Retail Customers pay the Retail Price.
Retail Price
Pricing table for products available to Retail Customers which is slightly more than the Wholesale Price. This allows for a profit when sold directly.
When your sponsor, or any Distributor above you in the Binary Tree, places an Distributor below you in your downline.
Sponsorship Tree
One of LUDIA’s two organizations used to calculate commissions. The Sponsorship Tree is built genealogically, where the first level below you are the Distributors whom you have sponsored, and the second level is comprised of the Distributors whom they have sponsored, and so on. Because there is no limit to the amount of Distributors you can sponsor, there is no limit to the number of legs possible in your Sponsorship Tree.
Team Bonus Qualified
A term commonly used interchangeably with Binary Qualified. To be qualified to earn Team Bonus, you must be active and have at least 2 active, personally sponsored Distributor on both your left or your right legs.
Member Price
Pricing for products available for Distributor that is less than the Retail Price.
Withdrawal Service Fee 15%
When distributors apply to cash withdrawal by weekly commission on line, LUDIA will deduct 15% Withdrawal Service Fee based on your total weekly commission for all of LUDIA service (opportunity and products supply and other system service).
LUDIA International Compensation Chart